Friday, July 6, 2007

Week in recap

I had planned this to be a very relaxing week....My current project was ending after 8 long months and I was taking my first vacation in 5 years. Yes, 5 whole years. I wanted nothing more than to go visit my family, hang out with my niece and nephew, golf, drink and relax. It was supposed to be perfect!

I can be kind of a loner so I love, no NEED, my alone time to be a balanced and healthy Twitchy so I decided I was going to drive the 12+ hours to home to unwind. Plus I hadn't really broken in my new wheels yet so thought it would be a perfect opportunity to see what the Hoopti could do. I head out Friday and just as I was pulling into my parent's house, I get a call that this big deal my team has been trying close for months just verbally sold.

The deal is worth several mil and will keep me busy for the next year and a half. It is launching right away so I spend a couple of days with my very understanding family and then turn around and drive back home. On the way back, the beast manages to break 140mph and showed no signs of slowing down but I chickened out and came back to near the speed limit. Exhilarating!!!

I show up Tuesday worn out and exhausted but manage to pull it together and work all day. Then I get a holler from the boys to come out and play. I can barely keep my eyes open but....Game On! And bonus, they picked me up so I didn't have to worry about drinking and driving. Double Game On!

And party I did. I slam drink after drink, shot after shot until I am good and sloppy. Then, because of pure exhaustion and too much booze, I pretty much black out. When I come to, I am at an after hour's strip club with one of my buddies trying to buy beer from some of the other patrons. I manage to score a 6 pack and then subsequently get it taken away by the bouncers. Then I manage to score 1 beer and a 1/2 bottle of Boones which we hid sufficiently well to not get taken away. Ahhhh Yeah! Some good ole Boones Farm wine. Love it! I vaguely remember the ride home.

I wake up the next afternoon with 7 text messages and 3 voice mails on my phone. It turns out, in my drunken state, I decided that of course that I am so important that EVERYONE needed to talk to me so I started texting and calling what seems like most of my address book. Why can't cell phones come equipped with a BAC meter that shuts itself off except for dialing taxis and 911 when you have had too much to drink???? In the morning, everyone I drunk dialed/texted responded with either comments like "Ha! You must have really put one on last night!" or "Lose my number, loser!" Fun stuff!

I looked at my call log and had dialed a number around midnight that I didn't recognize. I vaguely remember talking to some hot girl but don't remember the details. I call my buddy who got me home and he said that after I had a good buzz, I told him "watch this" and went up to the hottest girl in the bar, talked to her for a bit and got her phone number and a kiss on the cheek. The problem is, in my drunken state, I wasn't smart enough to enter in her name in my phone along with her number. I don't remember her name, anything about her or anything I said to her. Doh!

I crawl out of bed and go to the bathroom. Low and behold, I have a full black eye on my left eye and a partial black eye on my right. I have no recollection of why this should be. Neither does my buddy. What kind of babysitter lets your buddy wander off and get into a drunken fight he doesn't remember? One of the girls I called told me that I called her around 3am saying that I got into a fight and then I hung up on her. I don't remember anything about it but I am sure I deserved whatever I got.

I spend the rest of the day Wednesday debating if I should call the unknown number or not and if so, how would I do it. "Uh, yeah.....I think I met you last night but I don't remember it. What is your name again???" This debating was mixed in with work, throwing up from my hangover, and getting calls from the friends and women I drunk dialed/texted. At the end of the day, I decide that deleting her number is my punishment for allowing myself to get that sloppy so I don't call her.

Instead, I call my #1 girl and go watch fireworks. We end up getting into a disagreement and argue the entire night. We made our own fireworks I guess....

Thursday is work followed by dinner and drinks with an ex-girlfriend who is now married. Her husband just thinks we are friends and doesn't know we ever dated or I am sure he wouldn't let her spend so much time with me. We are very close friends now and we had a great conversation.

Friday night, I head out to dinner and bowling with my #1. Yes, I like to go bowling now and then. I can admit it. I arrive at her door for an immediate, I am sorry for fighting on the 4th, drop-your-pants-right-now, blow job. Nice way to start a date!

The rest of the weekend, my #2 is coming into town. We are going to hit a wedding Saturday night and a white trash rock concert Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should all put our phones down after 7-8 drinks! Your not the only one...