Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 12 - Dinner with Former One-it-is

Going out until 4am the night before has encouraged my cold to flex its muscles. I have been coughing and hacking all day making me really sexy! And I am tired after only getting a few hours of sleep and work is kicking my butt.

I call my former One-it-is midday to confirm that she is still coming over for dinner. She says she is excited about it and wants to eat early so we decided soup's on at 6:30.

I run to the store to get some groceries and come back, cleaned the place and get everything prepared so that we are ready to eat shortly after she arrives. I also blew my nose a thousand times so I wouldn't be hacking and coughing when she got there.

At 6:45, she calls me and tells me she got caught at work and will be over in 30 minutes. I am kind of pissed she didn't call me ahead of time because literally, everything is ready except for cooking the meat. However, I didn't let her know that I was upset - work is work, what can I do about it?

I put everything away so it doesn't spoil and continue working myself as I had a big deadline on Friday. She finally shows up at 9pm. By this time, I am starving, really tired and have finished most of the wine I had opened for us.

I slam a red bull so I can be high energy and start cooking while she watches a funny program on TV. We decide to eat in front of the TV and she LOVES the food and goes back for more.

Trying to rekindle our conversation from the night before, I start talking about relationships again. The conversation quickly goes to sex and just when it is starting to get good, my roommate comes in from working out. We have a lot of left over food so she grabs some and joins us . The three of us have fun talking but it broke the vibe I was having with my date.

Dinner is over and roommate leaves. I clean up while my date watches TV. I then come join her on the couch and we curl up under a blanket. Unfortunately, she is now really tired and yawning every few minutes. I try to amp up her energy but truth be told, I am exhausted also. She starts to drift off to sleep while we are watching TV. I wake her up and she decides to leave.

Normally, I would have offered my date to stay or carry them into my bed but it is touch and go with her. I would rather not date her if trying would ruin our solid friendship. However, I am attracted to her and would love if something happened and I am starting to think she feels the same. Its a difficult dance to play. Am I too chicken to make a move? Could be.....

She leaves and I call my girl from south Texas. We make some vacation plans and I book tickets.

Then my ex from calls, says she misses me and wants to know if I would go to counseling with her to work out our problems.

Then the girl from texts me and wants to know if she can come over. I would be all for it but I have a critical day at work tomorrow and am worn out so I ask for a rain check and go to sleep.

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