Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 15 - Another day of rest

I finally woke up at 2pm after a hard night of partying. I wasn't hung over but definitely didn't feel 100%. And what really sucked is that I hadn't gotten a workout in since Thursday and knew that it wouldn't happen today with the way I felt.

I ran some errands, got things done around the house and then worked the phone.

I made up with the girl whose dinner date I skipped last night, got into a fight with my ex from yesterday, and talked to and flirted with several other girls including my sweetie from South Texas.

She spent the day drinking with her best friend who I also dated a while back for over a year. The three of us had fun texting each other about who loves each other more and just being silly. It cracks them up that they are best friends and have both slept with me.

Orginally, I had planned on going out to this popular Sunday night club tonight but there is no way I can muster the energy.

Tomorrow is another day.

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