Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 9 - Even the Lord had to rest

So after I leave my date last night and get home and go to sleep. I start coughing so much I couldn't sleep. So I take a Benadryl (which messes me up) and finally fall asleep.

I wake up this morning officially sick. There were several people who had the sniffles at the wedding I was at last weekend and I guess it finally caught up with me.

I call into work and tell them I will be working from home so I don't infect anybody and I was actually productive. But with me staying home, there is really no way I can justify going out for the 30 Day Challenge.

Instead, I decide to work the phone and email. I email "one who got away" and she responds. We start an email chain which shows promise. I also caught up with several other girlies and have a few other leads going on.

Other than that, I decided to plan my week. I now have party plans lined up for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday including the opening of an exclusive club that won't let guys under 26 in. We shall see how that goes....

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