Saturday, October 13, 2007

On Closing

By Geoffrey James

Closing Rule #1: Think Like a Closer.

Closing Rule #2: Set an Objective.

Closing Rule #3: Overcome Your Fear.

Closing Rule #4: Always Be Checking

Finally: How to Close!

How to Overcome Fear.


Anonymous said...

It probably doesn't need to be pointed out explicitly, but learning how to sell solutions and how to close business is EXACTLY the same behavior involved in courting a female. I once explained solution selling to my wife ("ask questions, listen, adapt your solution to the customer's needs") who's remark was "if guys did that with girls, they'd always get a phone number."


Anonymous said...

As evidence that this stuff works, from the time I turned 40 (which was when I got into sales training), I never dated any woman less than 772 microhelens and never anyone less than 15 years younger than myself. I'm now 54 and married to a 26 year old, who is both highly intelligent and frequently stunning.

NB: "Microhelen" -- The amount of beauty required to launch a single ship. 1/1000th of a "Helen."