Sunday, October 21, 2007

I can't die until the government finds a safe place to bury my liver

A quote by Phil Harris. And how I feel today.

What started out as a quiet night in with my sweetie turned out to "let's go grab some wings", to having a few beers with my buddy Vodka, to the three of us going to a bar for just one, to lets do a shot and then go to a haunted house, to that shot was good, lets do a few more and then go to the haunted house buzzed, to lets see how many shots of Tuaca can we possibly put down and still be standing.

I woke up at 10am and used my breathalizer. I blew a .07. At 10am in the morning.



Anonymous said...

I realize drinking can be fun, but have you ever tried going out and not drinking?

Could you go an entire month without drinking?

I think you really need to consider your answer to this question.....

Twitchy said...

Good question!

I don't mean for this blog to glamorize drinking. It's just that I normally post about the more exciting moments of my life which usually entail going out and getting into some mischief.

If I blogged about my typical, average night, it would go something like this.... "Woke up at 6am, went to work. Worked through lunch. Got home from work late. Ate a quick dinner, maybe with a girl, and then started working again with the TV on in the background. Worked until 2am. Went to bed and read for a little bit. Fell asleep and slept like the dead." Not very interesting....

You do bring up a good point. I probably haven't gone a month without a drink in several years. And I know I drink more than the average person. I even mentioned it to my Doctor at my last checkup. She checked my liver and told me it was healthy (so far).

However, (not defending myself), I have never let drinking impact my social life, relationships or work. Nor have I ever done an illegal drug in my life. I even try to avoid OTC drugs like aspirin and limit my caffeine.

More often than not lately (as I have gotten older and wiser), if I got out, I have a couple of beers and then drink water until I go home since I have to remain sober to drive.

All that being said, I do drink more than the normal person. So does most of my immediate family. It is something I am aware of and always monitor.

Thanks for your concern!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the tequila I was telling you about?

We're all going to die someday Enjoy the Ride! Hasta no Verte!

Twitchy said...

I haven't tried the Tequila yet but I need to. What is the name of it again?

Anonymous said...

El Tesoro platinum (de Don Felipe)
tall square clear bottle.good price.