Monday, September 3, 2007

Blowing up is sometimes a positive thing

Lately I have been buying tickets to whatever concert, theater show, musical or comedy event interests me and then finding a date later.

I had tickets to a musical in Ft. Worth and call up this hot girl I have been talking to for a while to see if she wants to go. This girl is head turning beautiful and from money but has an attitude to that surpasses her beauty and wealth. I am unsure how hard I want to pursue her because I am from humble roots and this diva shit she puts out really rubs me the wrong way.

However, I know she will appreciate the musical and I want to get to know her better before I make a full impression of her. She agrees to go and we decide to make a day of it. I make tentative plans to get a hotel room in Ft. Worth in case things go well and/or we have too much to drink.

I pick her up, we drive to Ft. Worth and run around Sundance Square for a while. We are holding hands as we walk around and check out the sights.

We grab dinner on an outside patio and people watch everyone walking by. We are having a good time but she is being somewhat of a shit. I can tell this girl is used to guys fawning over her. She likes to get her own way.

Dinner is over and we go watch the musical. It is pretty good but I have seen better. She rests head on my shoulder through much of it and we hold hands and kiss a bit. During any quiet time or break, she takes the opportunity to tell me how better the musical that so and so took her to was and how better a time she could be having if she was doing such and such. I hate name droppers.

After the show, we bounce around to a couple of the bars and listen to some music.

Halfway into my first beer, she starts getting pissy with me. It is not about anything specific, she is just being a diva. I make a joke that 99.9% of the population would find funny however, she decides that it is demeaning. Instead of just rolling with it, she decides to make an issue of my joke.

So I am at a decision point. I can continue to let this girl be a diva who thinks I need to cater to her every whim or I can make a stand. I am the most analytical, robotic person I know. I rarely let emotion control me, usually to a fault. So I make the decision to be emotional to make a point.

I tell her she is disrespectful of me for ruining the nice evening I had planned and being disrespectful of my time. I tell her I don't tolerate this kind of behavior and am going back to Dallas. Instead of apologizing, she makes an even bigger issue of the innocent joke. Diva big time!

I decide to drop a grenade and tell her I am leaving and if she wants a ride back to Dallas, she better come now or she will be left behind and then start walking off. She says that NO ONE walks out on her. I tell her she is about to experienced her first and unless she wants to drop over $100 on a taxi back to Dallas, she better come with me. She hesitates and eventually runs in her high dollar heals to catch up to me as I am leaving the club heading to my car.

She is giving me all kinds of attitude in the car so I pull over to a gas station and tell her she can either drop the attitude or take a taxi from here. She clams up and I continue driving.

She starts dishing shit at me again during the ride so I turn up the music so loud I can't hear her. I am really not the least bit upset about the evening but am instead making a powerplay that her looks and money aren't going to impress me.

We get back to her place and I pull up next to the sidewalk, put the car in park and wait silently for her to get out. She sits there for a while and then starts to argue with me again about how no one has ever treated her this way. I tell her that she is long overdue with the attitude she exudes and to get out of my car because I am tired of wasting my time on her and want to salvage the night.

She sits in silence again and starts to apologize. I tell her she is a very long car ride too late to apologize and to get out. She reluctantly gets out of the car. I text Sinn to find out where he is at and head to Xbar to meet up with Sinn and Capt Jack.

My actions weren't really a gamble. I honestly wouldn't be able to tolerate her attitude. My choices were to let her continue and just never see her again after the night or blow up the evening to see if I can alter her behavior.

Well, my gambit appears to be working so far. She has sent me 3 myspace messages, an email and 4 text messages apologizing and proposing to make it up to me.

We shall see where this goes.


Anonymous said...
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Twitchy said...

Thanks for the compliment! I am glad you enjoy my blog.

I believe that CJ and Sinn don't have me linked in for a couple of, I haven't asked them and two, although they are always working to improve themselves, they are also running a business. As I have never taken a pick up course, they can't really endorse me. I would like it if they did but its no big deal to me. Pick up is just a small part of my life.

CJ and Sinn are great at what they do. They are also fun to party with. Although I hang with them from quite often, I don't normally wing with them as our styles and goals are different...

I am not blogging for any other reason than because I enjoy it and it helps me collect and analyze my thoughts and experiences. I used to post on the dallas pick up community boards pretty regularly but like having all of my experiences collected in one place.

I have a lot of advice on your roommate situation based on my experience of having a hot roommate now and previously having a runway model as a roommate. My biggest piece of advice is unless you are madly in love (not lust), don't try to date her. First, it could make her uncomfortable and she will move out. And if you actually do hook up, you are no longer roommates but now in a relationship living together. It is a big difference.

Instead, befriend her and date her friends. It is a bigger pool to choose from and you won't screw up your living arrangement.

Finally, I have a lot of close friends as myspace friends and since I like to keep my pick up identity private, I don't mix myspace and pickup. However, you can email me any time at twitchypua AT

Anonymous said...

Twitchy- I look forward to your new posts,I'm the one that said your stories were well written and I meant it.You paint a good picture.

I was like,it's Sunday,and no new blog from TPP??Then poof! 2 in one night.

I'm not a PUA I like to read the blogs and keep up with Sinn you,and CJ for entertainment,but I have a question.Why do none of the other PUA's have you linked in? Sinn linked you in once but you're not on his list... it's BS your blog is interesting,and some others are not even updated .It really doesn't matter but I thought I would let you know.

I am in Phoenix,and I have a similar lifestyle to you...31, cool little house with 3 bedrooms downtown,single and play the field.

Here's my question,
(and by the way I'd prefer to e-mail you or myspace this message is just a question to you.)Do you think it's strange being a 30 something trying to find a roomate? I think I found a really sweet hippy chick that's going to move in after sucking it up and living solo for a while.

When she came over on Sunday morning I was outside sweeping the porch and she rolled up wearing a sundress.I said,"you caught me,don't think I do this all the time"...and we proceeded to tour my bachelor pad which is stylin in
a budget limited artistic interesting casa stuff not expensive sort of way.

I then answered some questions for her about my premium tequila selection( try El Tesoro Platinum sometime,you'll never drink Tuaca again!

And when I offered her a whiff of a nutty,caramel aƱejo she leaned in with her sundress,soft skin and a pair of beautiful c-d's and no bra.

So how do I go on about my life and not try to seduce her?

I actually really need a renter so I told her not to worry about the utilities.She's still a college student from Montana and I'm a sous chef after all.

I told her to enjoy the jacuzzi in my master bathroom while I'm at work so maybe she'll make it easy for me...

BTW- if you don't mind sending me your myspace or e- mail that would be nice. Holler at me b,JS