Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Day 32 - Happy Hour

Today I have a happy hour date lined up with a girl I have been talking to for a while but we just haven't been able to connect.

During work, I text the girl I went out with Monday night and we made plans to meet up when she gets off work which will also be after my happy hour date should be over.

Unfortunatley, the work Gods cursed me today. About 4pm, I got a couple of day's work dumped on me and it all has to be done by the end of day tomorrow.

I call the girl from Monday night and cancel (which upsets her) and then meet up with my happy hour date. We went to an Irish pub which is one of my favorite bars in Dallas.

We talk, kino and drink for a while until we get hungry. We then decide to eat as this bar has great food.

Some of her friends show up at a table nearby so we join them for a bit. The table is a tall table so instead of chairs, everyone is sitting on bar stools. I sit for a bit but find it is hurting my back so I stand. This gives me the added benefit of being "taller" than everyone else at the table which allowed me to better command the attention of the table.

I tell some stories and have the table laughing. One of her friends is obviously the obnoxious one and her and I start playing off each other and having a good time.

8pm rolls around and I really have to get home to get back to work. My date leaves with me. I walk her to her car, we make out a little bit and then I head home to get some work done. Its funny, I have been out with women so much in the last couple of weeks that I don't think twice about kissing a girl anymore. I just go for it and haven't been rejected yet.

I call my date from Monday to apologize again for blowing her off last minute but she doesn't answer. If she's gone, she is gone.....

1 comment:

Finesse said...

Hey man, one day I would like to talk with you about this challenge. I will probably be doing it sometime soon.