Sunday, August 12, 2007

Day 28

My new visitor and I sleep in and then go grab some Thai food at this great little Thai restaurant I know. I have two dates this afternoon with other girls I tell her I have some stuff to do in the afternoon and she plans to go shopping.

However, the food we ate didn't sit well with either of us. We both have upset tummies so we go home. She lies down while I slip out of the house and make calls to cancel my dates. I come back in and join her for a nap after catching up on some emails.

After we rest, we both feel better so we head out for dinner and then out to meet my same buddy at the same north Dallas suburb I was at on Thursday.

Same bar, same buddy, different girl.

As it is Saturday, the place is hopping! We are both drinking slowly while my buddy, who came solo this time, is gaming.

My girl leaves for the bathroom so I decide to try my hand. I open this very hot blonde with a big smile. She smiles back so I start talking to her. I see my girl coming back to me and as I don't want any drama, I say my goodbyes to the hottie and walk to meet my girl.

My buddy comes by and opens a girl walking by him. He gets in good with her and then her friend comes over to join us. As it just so happens, her friend is the girl I opened which makes for an awkward moment with my girl.

To alleviate the situation, I ask my girl if I can help my buddy wing. She says yes so I leave her side and wing my buddy. The girl I am winging is a lot hotter than the girl my buddy is hitting on in my opinion but he differs. This is why we are good wings - very different taste in women.....

I eventually go back to my girl as I can see she is restless. My buddy Vodka texts that he is on his way to the bar. Ugh. When Vodka and I get together, crazy shit happens....

My girl and I dance while my buddy wings and we wait for Vodka. Vodka shows and we start doing shots of Tuaca. I hand the keys to my girl as she isn't much of a drinker and Vodka and I proceed to damage our livers and raise hell. I never let it get too out of control as I didn't want to piss my girl off and have to deal with the drama.

The bar closes and we head out. We get back to my place for some naked tickling.

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